The (experimental) Assembly Assistant

The Assembly Assistant is being developed for two purposes:

  1. For assembling itemfiles to one sorted listfile. This already works quite well, allthough I'm not completely satisfied myself.
  2. For easing maintenance of multiple-version-homepages. I'm a bit stuck in finding a good interface. Ideally the Assembly Assistant should be integrated with some kind of Frames Assistant., but I'm still looking for a promising approach.

An example for making a listfile: Assuming you have reviews of some kind, with filenames like rev-ande.cmp, rev-bert.cmp, rev-zzto.cmp, etc. Then fill in the from and to values of the Assembly Assistant with respectively rev-aaaa.cmp and rev-zzzz.cmp. Or you could split the list by filling in rev-aaa.cmp / rev-mmmm.cmp for the first run and rev-nnnn.cmp / rev-zzzz.cmp for the second run.

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